The Crucible Unit Plan


Writing Choices for The Crucible 

Choice One

One of the themes that this play explores is the fact that people can give into their fear and superstition. When people succumb to this fear they often act unlike themselves. Describe an event or situation from your own experience where this theme applies.


Choice Two

Another theme that this play illustrates is how rumor is harmful and how well meaning people often participate in rumor making and spreading without realizing what the consequences could possibly be. Describe an event or situation from your own experience where this theme applies.


Choice Three

One of the reasons Arthur Miller wrote this play was because of an historical event in American history. No, not the witch trials of Salem, but the movement in the 1950’s led by senator Joe McCarthy to seek and identify members of the Communist Party that he felt were trying to overthrow the government. This movement ruined many innocent people because of its drive to seek what it thought to be the truth no matter who was hurt in the process. Write about another historical event that might be considered similar to this one, that is, doing what is right no matter who it hurts or how badly people are hurt.


Choice Four

Many of the characters go through changes because of the intensity of the play. In fact the title of the play, crucible, means a severe test or trial. Write a character study on one of the main characters which discusses his or her change or lack of change in the play.


Choice Five

At the end of the play, Reverend Hale insists that John Proctor’s design to hang instead of admitting that he was consorting with the devil is an act of excessive pride or stubbornness. As the old saying goes, sometimes people do "bite of their nose to spite their face." Do you think that Proctor’s last act was an act of excessive pride or honor? Please explain you choice.


Choice Six

Consider that old saying; "Bite off your nose to spite your face." Consider what it does mean and then describe an incident or event from your personal experience which illustrates this saying.

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