The Crucible Unit Plan

 The Crucible

Anticipation/Reaction Guide

Part I Directions: Prior to reading The Crucible, in the “Before” column, respond to each statement by putting a plus sign (+) if you agree with it, a minus sign (-) if you disagree, and a question mark (?) if you are unsure of your belief.

Part II Directions: For one of the statements below, write a “Deep Thoughts” response of 500 words or more in MLA format as to why you have the belief you do. For ten extra credit points, you can respond to a classmate’s written response. Extra credit points depend upon the quality and quantity of the response.

Part III Directions: After reading the story, in the “After” column respond again to the statements. Then, reply by writing a 500 word or more “Deep Thoughts” response in MLA format to a statement where your belief changed since reading the play. If not, write about a different statement than you responded to in Part II.




1. _____

Confessing to a crime you didn’t commit in order to avoid punishment is wise.


1. _____

2. _____

The difference between right and wrong is clear.



3. _____

It is better to die for what you believe in rather than to lie to save your life.


3. _____

4. _____

There is only one correct way to interpret the Bible.


4. _____

5. _____

That which doesn’t destroy us only makes us stronger.


5. _____

6. _____

It’s more difficult to forgive yourself if the person you have hurt doesn’t forgive you.


6. _____

7. _____

Courage means doing something even though it can be difficult and fearsome.


7. _____

8. _____

A person is innocent until proven guilty.


8. _____

9. _____

Beliefs in opposition to common values should be illegal.


9. _____

10. _____

Justice is best determined in a court of law.


10. _____



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